Culturally Fluent 🌎 Mastering Intercultural Competence for Global Success

Paul Arnesen


Hello there, curious minds!

Have you ever wondered how to navigate the complexities of intercultural interactions and bridge the gap between different cultures?

The answer is intercultural competence. In our interconnected world, navigating diverse cultures is essential for personal and professional growth.

Here are my weekly insights on the topic of intercultural competence.

Global Work Insights

Cultivating Cultural Competence: Navigating Diversity for Limitless Opportunities.

Intercultural understanding and knowledge are essential for expanding horizons, fostering cultural understanding, and unlocking boundless opportunities in our interconnected world. We gain a deeper appreciation of our global community by embracing diverse cultures. Developing intercultural competence enables effective communication, relationship-building, and successful outcomes in various contexts. It also breaks down barriers, promotes inclusivity and contributes to a more harmonious society. Embracing intercultural understanding opens doors to endless possibilities in our interconnected world.

If you want to explore this topic further, you can get my guide, "Develop Your Global Competency," for only €2.50. That is a 75% discount for newsletter subscribers.

​Click here to get a copy​

Cultural Spotlight

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Intercultural competence is pivotal in effectively giving and receiving feedback across diverse cultures. It involves understanding, respecting, and adapting to different cultural approaches to feedback.

  1. In Japan, feedback centres around maintaining harmony and preserving face. Feedback is often given indirectly, using subtle cues and non-verbal communication. Understanding these cultural nuances is essential for providing constructive feedback respectfully.
  2. Dutch Directness: In the Netherlands, feedback is direct and open. The Dutch culture emphasises straightforwardness and honesty in communication, which sometimes can be hard for someone from the outside to appreciate.
  3. Arab cultures recognise the significance of building personal relationships and preserving dignity in feedback exchanges. Feedback is often delivered indirectly, focusing on maintaining politeness and respect.

Success Story

The case of Nissan-Renault Alliance led by Carlos Ghosn.

Carlos Ghosn's leadership at Nissan-Renault Alliance is a notable success story, emphasising the significance of intercultural competence in management. Ghosn transformed Nissan's hierarchical corporate culture into a global powerhouse by bridging cultural gaps. He fostered open communication, embraced strengths from Japanese and Western management styles, and formed a strategic alliance with Renault. Ghosn's intercultural competence and ability to navigate diverse contexts were pivotal in Nissan's remarkable turnaround, establishing it as a leading automotive company.

(I acknowledge subsequent legal and ethical controversies associated with Ghosn's tenure.)

​Read a case study here.​


Book Recommendation

​Cultural Intelligence: Living and Working Globally" by David C. Thomas and Kerr Inkson ​

This book explores the concept of cultural intelligence (CQ) and its importance in today's globalised world. It provides frameworks, case studies, and practical advice for developing cultural intelligence and effectively interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Article Recommendation

​Dynamic cross-cultural competencies and global leadership effectiveness​

This article examines how personality traits and cross-cultural experiences influence dynamic cross-cultural competencies and supervisors' ratings of global leadership effectiveness. The study suggests that extraversion, openness to experience, lower neuroticism, and work-related and non-work-related cross-cultural experiences contribute to developing competencies like tolerance of ambiguity, cultural flexibility, and reduced ethnocentrism. These competencies are important for effective global leadership, highlighting the significance of selection and development processes in cultivating successful global leaders.

Podcast Recommendation

​Working with us​

I am recommending my own podcast this week. The topics discussed in the episodes are great for insights into intercultural competence. The guests are experts in the field of cross-cultural management and communication.

Learn From An Expert

Are you working with Japanese? My conversation with Natsuyo Lipschutz, a Japanese-born American cross-cultural communication expert, gives you all your insights about working with and in Japan.

video preview​

Join the Conversation!

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That's it for this week's newsletter! Stay tuned for more exciting insights and resources in the coming weeks.

All the best

Paul Arnesen


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